portrait outfits

What do I wear to a professional photo shoot?

Planning a wardrobe for a photoshoot involves careful consideration of the theme, setting, and mood of the photoshoot. Here are some steps to help you plan a wardrobe for a photoshoot:

  1. Understand the theme and setting of the photoshoot: Before you start selecting outfits, it's important to understand the overall theme and setting of the photoshoot. Is it a formal or casual shoot? Will it take place indoors or outdoors? Is there a specific color scheme or style that the photographer wants to achieve?

  2. Select outfits that fit the theme: Based on the information you have gathered about the photoshoot, start selecting outfits that fit the theme. For example, if it's a beach shoot, consider flowy dresses, shorts, and light-colored tops. If it's a formal shoot, think about suits, dresses, and heels.

  3. Consider the colors: Colors play a crucial role in a photoshoot. Consider the color of the background, the props, and the overall color scheme of the shoot. Select outfits that complement the colors and avoid clashing with them.

  4. Accessorize: Accessories can add a lot to an outfit and make it stand out in photos. Consider adding jewelry, hats, belts, and scarves to complete the look.

  5. Bring backup outfits: It's always a good idea to bring backup outfits in case the original ones don't work out or get damaged.

Remember, the goal is to choose outfits that will make the subject of the photoshoot stand out while complementing the overall theme and settings. But don’t worry! Careful attire planning is one of the services we provide to our clients. We work hand in hand with our clients to make sure everyone who is being photographed has the right outfit that not only photographs beautifully but is also clothing they feel great wearing.