Along with being a full time photographer and studio owner since 1999, I am a wife and mother. My husband, Buck (whom most of you will undoubtedly meet) is a key “behind the scenes” player in my business.  While he is not involved in the studio sessions, he does assist on all on-location shoots IMG_6838doneDSBLOGand handles a lot of the technical aspects behind the scenes. Together, we have two beautiful children. Our daughter, Grace, was born in 2000 and our son, Canon, arrived almost 5 years later. While they are tremendously close and share a lot of physical characteristics, they could not be more different! Grace is our “old soul”, very studious and observant of all around her. Cautious to a fault, but she loosens up when she feels safe. Canon is our “on the go” kid, always jumping, always talking…very loudly. But when that boy smiles, he lights up the world. Lucky for us, he is pretty much smiling constantly!

Canon was diagnosed with autism when he was 2 ½ years old, and although that has brought our family many challenges, it has also enlightened us to the plight of families who deal with a child with a disability. Through his diagnosis, we have all learned how to be more patient, understanding, and compassionate and to see the unique gifts that each one of us has to offer the world.

If you were to ask me what the most important items in my home are, the things I would be absolutely devastated to lose,  it would most certainly be our photographs. We celebrate the people we love in photographs, and once those are gone the memories undoubtedly will fade. Those images can not only remind you of what a loved one physically looked like, but they also bring back the feelings we had for someone. They fuel our memories. When you walk into someone’s home and see their portraits hanging on the walls, you instantly have a glimpse into who they are, what they value, and their connection to the people with them in those images. My strong belief in the value of heirloom quality photography is what keeps me motivated year after year to create high quality pieces of artwork for my clients. I want the portraits I capture to have an honored place in the homes and hearts of families who commission me as their photographer. I want my clients to smile as they pass their by their portraits during the day, and to gaze upon them as the years go by, wondering how on earth the time has past so quickly. I want this for my clients; because this is what the portraits of my own children have done for Buck and myself. I could not imagine our home without the decoration of our portraits through out the years, without the warmth and memories that they bring us. They turn a house into a home.
